Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear Daddy...

I want to you to know how good a daddy I think you are. Here's a top 10 of rockin' Daddy things you do:

10. You wake up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night to change my diaper so I sleep better and so mom can stay in bed.

9. You come home from work everyday at lunch time to see me and hold me with one hand while you eat with the other. This is a talent mom still has yet to master.

8. You try to use all my baby gadgets no matter if I like them or not just to try and get me to stop crying. (one day I will give in to the Baby Bjorn, I promise...but good luck with the swing. It's lame.)

7. You're a die hard about tummy time and for that, my head has stayed perfectly round. Mom's big on this one.

6. You are the burp master. I know I can always count on you to get one out of me. You could teach mom a thing or two on technique.

5. You're really patient with me crying roughly 75 percent of the time you hold me. It's not's my addiction to breast milk. The time will come when I'm on solid foods and we'll be more simpatico, you and I. Until then, it just looks like Mom is my favorite.

4. You came up with the solution to get me to fall asleep in the bassinet and stay in there the night through. Mom thinks you are a magician. Thanks for getting me to realize that night time is for sleeping. I know this wasn't easy, especially having to go to work the next day while mom and I got to take naps.

3. You make dinner, clean the house, walk the dog and keep mom emotionally intact all so i can stay in her arms eating as long as I want. This is HUGE (a la my aforementioned addiction to breast milk.)

2. You include me. While mom advises to let me stay sleeping in my car seat at brunch or in church, you always make an effort to wake me up to participate. Mommy secretly loves that you do this because then I'm not always sleeping in my baby pictures. (I may be crying instead but at least I was awake to make memories.)

1. You love me. I can tell. Thank you for all the kisses and hugs, tummy rubbing, photo-taking and video recording. Thanks for bath time and tummy time...doing some of the "mommy" things when mommy is tired and doing the "daddy" things that little boys need their daddies to do.

I love you, too.

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