Thursday, August 5, 2010

I have arrived...

Kellan Jon Cooney arrived on July 29th. He weighed in at 7lbs, 14 oz and was 20.5 inches long. We had quite a four day stint at the hospital but are back at home and the three of us are enjoying each other to no end. Kellan's name has a few meanings (one is "the slender one", another "descendant of the brightheaded one"). His middle name Jon is after my father who passed away when I was four and we also liked that it had a connection to Kevin's faith.

Georgia is still getting a hang of the baby yet. She looks at us at 2 in the morning while the baby is crying like "really? Why did you bring THAT home?" but she does concern herself with his whimpers and whines and has been seen sleeping next to his swing from time to time.

Labor was not what we anticipated. The pregnancy was pretty easy all the way through so I'm convinced my labor was time to pay my dues. After 24 hours, we went into emergency C-section. Kellan just could not fit past my tailbone (without breaking it, which would have been good to know when labor STARTED). He made it out safely and we spent the next 96 hours in a private recovery sweet which I actually enjoyed if you can believe it. The nurses are amazing at Scottsdale Healthcare. They took such wonderful care of us and it was special bonding time for us three to be able to be taken care of and stuck in one room all together for four days.

Kevin was amazing during the whole labor and delivery. It got very scary for awhile and he was my backbone for sure. I am so lucky to have someone that not only looks out for me, but knows me so well that when I can't speak up for myself, he's there to make sure I am safe. I cry just writing about him, my amazing husband.

Mom was in the room too and I could not have done it without her either. It was a blessing to have her there as a partner for Kevin.

So we welcome Kellan and have posted pics undert the photos link on the right.

Kellan Jon: Mommy and Daddy are so glad you are here...I love you and your dad more than I can bear, but this is a good weight to have on my shoulders.

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