Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To my baby...

You are about to come any day now. I can't believe it is almost over, this time with you in my tummy. I know some moms can't wait until pregnancy is over and they have their bodies back to themselves, but I admit I don't feel that way baby.

I am going to miss your kicks and punches, your hiccups, the squirming and restlessness, seeing your foot or knee pushing against my right side. I will miss you waking me up in the middle of the night, me being the only one who knows what you're up to, knowing which way to roll over to calm you down.

I will miss carrying you everywhere, having you with me no matter where I go...having our own special just-the-two-of-us world.

I will miss reading every weekly update about how you change inside of me...imagining what you must look like, wondering if you're cozy in there, what you hear and dream about.

I am so excited to see you though. Your daddy is overwhelmed with anticipation and has done all the chores to prepare for your arrival. He still kisses you good night every night and lays with his hand on my tummy to catch you kicking. I know you will be best friends.

I already love everything about you...I can't imagine yet who you will grow up to be but I can foresee that I will love you every day just the way you are.

You are proof that life is visible...perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a smooth delivery. Please let me know when the little one arrives. It looks like you are only a two hour flight from here. Maybe my camera and I can arrange a visit after baby comes : )
