Monday, November 22, 2010

Rollin' with the best of them...

Kellan had a big weekend...
Saturday, he rolled over for the first time from his tummy to his back.
Sunday, he rolled over from his back to his tummy.
Then last night he grabbed a toy and put it in his mouth to relieve his teething. (for those without kids reading: this is a huge milestone because it takes a lot of coordination and motor skills for a little person to do this)

Next weekend we will be tackling college admissions and running for President.


  1. What cracks me up most about this is that with your first kid it is AMAZING and with the second you miss it because you are so tired that you are too busy trying to pump coffee into your body so YOU can stand up : )

  2. oh that is so cute! And I thought he was already accepted to Harvard!
