Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Children's Museum of Phoenix

For my birthday, the Tyrrells gave me an awesome 4-person membership to the Children's Museum. This place is SPECTACULAR! They have a ton of play areas made by artists and creatives, and a special area just for "under-3's" which Kellan got a kick out of. He actually squealed when we walked in the room. Thanks Amy, Dave, Luke and Danny for such an awwwwwesome present!
I'm ready! (This is the first time Kellan wore shoes. and they didn't make it out of the car once we got there...oh well. He's got the rest of his life, right?)

A bell! This box has a bell in it! (what you can't hear by looking at this picture is the 50 other children under 3 in the room...it was BEYOND Romper Room)

This is Alex who didn't speak English but who cares? because Kellan technically doesn't either. Kellan thought Alex's face was a scratch-post so their friendship was short-lived at best.

Washers spinning down a threaded steel post...who woulda thunk this would be the coolest thing? (And not just for Kellan, Mommy thought it was pretty amazing too!)

Wiped out!

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