Thursday, November 25, 2010

One year ago today... 5am, Mommy woke up and had a feeling. I had dreamed that someone was trying to wake me up to tell me that I was pregnant...this little voice in my head kept saying, "wake up and take a test."

I remember being so groggy and stepping over Georgia to get to the bathroom where I took a pregnancy test. I set it down on the edge of the bathtub and half asleep, waited for the results.

Well, baby, there you were. Just a couple blue lines. I couldn't believe it! Was this real? Was I totally , 100% awake? Was it really showing 2 blue lines? Was I going to be your MOM?

I brought the test back to bed where I woke up your daddy. "Honey...Honey...." He rolled over and peeked his eyes open. "Look! I'm pregnant!"

Well, there was no way we were going back to bed! We got up and took our morning walk and talked all about you...when we thought your birthday would be, if you would be a boy or a girl, how we would tell the was a crisp Thanksgiving morning just like today...except today, you were with us as we all three went for a walk, asleep in your stroller. We can't believe you are here...this enormous love, most precious, awe inspiring, full of sweetness little person we have to be thankful for.

I can't thank you enough, Kellan, for all these beautiful days you have given me this past year. Thanksgiving will always have this memory for me, for the rest of my life...finding out you were on your way to me.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much.

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