Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kellan goes outside

The weather was nice enough Friday evening for us to sit outside for the first tme...Kellan just stared at the trees...and mom just kept staring at Kellan :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

3 generations of loving you

Tummy time is exhausting.

Today I am 4 weeks...

We can now begin referring to our child by how many months old he is. Kellan has officially made it through his first month and we couldn't be more proud of his development. We started trying to get him to sleep on his own the last couple nights (if he had it his way, he's sleep on my chest whenever sleeping's the thing to do.) We'll have to update on the progress of this experiment when we have better findings. So far we know Kellan does NOT like this idea from mom and dad and is on strike, so it seems.

I was joking with a friend today that they should write a book exclusively, and honestly, about how rough the first 40 days are on new parents. The books call it the "transition" period which makes it seem so clinical, or sterile (almost approachable and tolerable even), almost like an easy diagnosis a doctor would give you: "You're just in the transition period. It's all very normal. It will end and then you will be in the reward period."

What they should really tell you about the 40 day transition period is: "Every day for 40 days, you will wake up and still be in the transition period. You will look at your husband and be so tired you may forget his name, or he will look at you each night and beg once again to be told to sleep on the couch. In the meanwhile, the baby will want to be attached to you at ALL TIMES. This is because he will want to eat ALL THE TIME, only to be interrupted by crying in hopes of eating again or spitting up to make room to eat again. You will both smell like sour milk constantly and you will resort to styling only the front and top portions of your hair that people will see and stuffing the rest into a matronly bun..."

They do get one part right though in the books and that is: there is no way, not in one million years or the 4 weeks he has been here that I could have imagined how much I would love my son. And that is for every day, through every stage, forever.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Things that weigh 10 pounds...

A bag of sugar,
2 Chihuahuas
5 racks of baby back ribs
10 bags of coffee beans...
1 little boy named Kellan.
Kellan and I took a trip to Dr. Lersch's office to have him weighed today. It's a fun little adventure for us to do together and then we call Daddy and give hime the update. Kellan will be 4 weeks on Thursday and weighed in at 10 pounds today.
Glad to know those every-hour feedings in the middle of the night are going to a good cause!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Healthy Child Healthy World

My client (and friend) Diane sent a gift package for Kellan and one of the awesome things she included was a book called Healthy Child Healthy World.

It basically outlines ways for you to create a healthy and sustainable life for your kid through smart food choices, smart shopping, natural beauty and body care products, safe toys and play environments, greenifying your pets and's THE resource and is actually fun to read. The whole book walks you through the why's and how's and weaves in tips and advice like a magazine would read, so you can get info quickly or read it cover to cover.

You can check out the whole movement (they have a blog to if you'd rather stay online). You can even host a Healthy child party. (invite us if you do :)
The link will take you to the online stores where you can buy the book.


I am amazed with this awesome product invented by nurses to save precious breast milk that gets lost from one side leaking while the baby feeds on the other.

Basically a cup with a hole in the side, the plastic sleeve slips into your bra or tank and catches all the drops of milk you would normally soak up with a nursing pad or can collect 2-4 ounces per feeding! Then you can refrigerate or freeze and if you choose, there are even breastmilk banks you can donate to health-at-risk babies in need.

PLUS they're a green company...check it out:

3 Weeks...Am I looking older?

On Tuesday, Kellan weighed in at 9 lbs. 3 oz, a gain of another 11 ounces in a week! On Thursday he turned three weeks, and chose his animal onesie for the portrait above.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Daddy's heart

I love seeing my boys together. It is one of the most spectacular images to is surreal seeing the pieces of Kellan that have Kevin all over them. I connect the two of them like dots close together and am already proud of the man Kellan will surely become.

Aunt Babs and Uncle "Larr"

Babs and Larry came to visit Kellan who slept in Babs' arms for an entire hour while also pooping. Babs threw Kellan an awesome baby shower in June and he's been waiting to meet her in person.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 2

Kellan turned 2 weeks last Thursday...I can't believe how much he changes every day. It isn't so obvious to me until I look at picturers from the hospital and compare them to this week's post...his eyes change, the shape of his face changes, it's amazing.

He gained a lot of weight the second week. At his checkup with Dr. Lersch (who is an AMAZING pediatrician...thanks to the Damkos f0r the recommendation) he weighed in on Tuesday at 8 lbs. 8 oz. which was a 14 ounce growth spurt from the week before! He doesn't have another check up until 2 months but I am going to take him in today to get a progress weigh-in.

We had our first retail therapy session. We met Katie and Sammy at the mall for a walk with Grandma Jeannette. The only bad thing about raising a kid in Arizona are these summers. The only thing to do is go to the mall or grocery and walk around. We have braved a couple early mornings at sunrise for a walk through the neighborhood...Kevin had us bring along an icepack to create our own stroller air conditioning!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Perfect Dressipe model and spokesperson

Amanda and Melissa made Kellan some adorable onesies that Kellan has started to show off.
You can check out their creations at:

Just because

Mommy loves you.

A Week of Firsts...

This is Kellan's second week home. Mom and Dad tried a few things to see if we could look expert yet, and I think we did a pretty good job. Kellan had his first sponge bath which he didn't really like but was sidetracked by the sound of running water (trick #1 for our bag).

The monsoons are in town so we used the opportunity of a little cooler weather (and I mean "little") to take him on his first morning walk. We thought we would just get coffee and come back but we made it all the way through the Biltmore and around our favorite neighborhood! Kellan slept the whole way but I'm glad we're getting used to the stroller. We took a night walk to the frozen yogurt shop as felt so good to get some fresh air after being in the house for over a week, and I think helped my recovery too getting some exercise.

Kellan also made his first trip to Costco which we didn't take pictures of but I am proud to post that we made it through this first shopping excursion like we were born to do this :) Of course, Kevin did all the lifting, stroller setup and car packing...but I was watching and taking notes.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I have arrived...

Kellan Jon Cooney arrived on July 29th. He weighed in at 7lbs, 14 oz and was 20.5 inches long. We had quite a four day stint at the hospital but are back at home and the three of us are enjoying each other to no end. Kellan's name has a few meanings (one is "the slender one", another "descendant of the brightheaded one"). His middle name Jon is after my father who passed away when I was four and we also liked that it had a connection to Kevin's faith.

Georgia is still getting a hang of the baby yet. She looks at us at 2 in the morning while the baby is crying like "really? Why did you bring THAT home?" but she does concern herself with his whimpers and whines and has been seen sleeping next to his swing from time to time.

Labor was not what we anticipated. The pregnancy was pretty easy all the way through so I'm convinced my labor was time to pay my dues. After 24 hours, we went into emergency C-section. Kellan just could not fit past my tailbone (without breaking it, which would have been good to know when labor STARTED). He made it out safely and we spent the next 96 hours in a private recovery sweet which I actually enjoyed if you can believe it. The nurses are amazing at Scottsdale Healthcare. They took such wonderful care of us and it was special bonding time for us three to be able to be taken care of and stuck in one room all together for four days.

Kevin was amazing during the whole labor and delivery. It got very scary for awhile and he was my backbone for sure. I am so lucky to have someone that not only looks out for me, but knows me so well that when I can't speak up for myself, he's there to make sure I am safe. I cry just writing about him, my amazing husband.

Mom was in the room too and I could not have done it without her either. It was a blessing to have her there as a partner for Kevin.

So we welcome Kellan and have posted pics undert the photos link on the right.

Kellan Jon: Mommy and Daddy are so glad you are here...I love you and your dad more than I can bear, but this is a good weight to have on my shoulders.