Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

It was 2 years ago today that Kevin and I discovered I was pregnant with Kellan...I am so grateful for my guys.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pirates and Pumpkins

Halloween in Arizona is still 100 degrees, hence the shorts and sun hat...

Brad helped us carve pumpkins...his took 3 hours to carve and us Cooneys were done in a half hour...but you can see why.

On our way to trick or treat at Grandma's house...refusing to wear the eye patch and earring.

First lollipop...aaahhhh.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mom, someone's been in the planter...

Short guy. Not much hair. Pretty cute...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kellan's new hood...Chi Town

First Train Ride

Holding onto Daddy...

Grandpa reads me "Rockin Babies"

Cruisin in my hoodie

We went to Chicago this past weekend to celebrate the Degnan wedding and had a blast! We had Kellan in tow and Grandma and Grandpa Cooney met us by train to spend some quality time with the boy. We had adjoining rooms and Kellan would knock on their door in the morning to have breakfast with Grandpa or get stories read by Grandma.
He loved the city too and all the walking he got to do!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Memory of Michael R. Canty

Michael Canty was brother to our friend Pete Canty. He passed away on September 11, 2001 in the World Trade Center. He was 30 years old.

We visited his flag today at the Healing Field Memorial in Tempe. The Feuers were there too and left flowers for him.

All our love goes out to the Canty family this day and every day.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's Official...

Kellan decided today was a good day to start walking!

Phoenix Swim Club

We have ourselves a new swimmer...

Kellan had his first swim lesson today (a present from Great Grandpa Poppy) and he's well on his way to an Olympic medal. His teacher's name is Marty and is so good and patient with Kells...he showed him how to go under water and by the fifth try, Kellan stopped crying!

A little post-lesson hummus snack...

Friday, August 26, 2011

All this weather...

I read about what is happening on the east coast and boy does my heart go out to everyone out there.
I think it's crazy here in Arizona that we live in a state where it's so hot, birds just fall down dead.
Happens. All the time. Just walking...and poof!...they're dead.
Because it is that hot.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kellan's big bike ride

We got Kellan a bike seat for his's him and Daddy cruising.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My very first wagon...

from my Aunt Bridget and I LOVE IT!

King for a Day

Here are pictures from Kellan's Big #1!

King of the Jungle!

Mom! That's a big bite and it's on FIRE!

Eh...cake ain't bad.

Me and my Great Grandpa Poppy!

Pushin' my guy Sammy around...

Friday, July 29, 2011


since moment one...

Happy Birthday Kellan!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

4th of July

This is my song, O God of all the nations,

A song of peace for lands afar and mine.

This is my home, the country where my heart is;

Here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;

But other hearts in other lands are beating

With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

My country skies are bluer than the ocean,

and sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine.

But other lands have sunlight, too, and clover,

And skies are everywhere as blue as mine.

So hear my song, O God of all the nations,

A song of peace for their land and for mine...

(excerpt from This Is My Song by Lloyd Stone and Georgia Harkness)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

3 Little Fishies

Today we went to Saguaro Lake with the Feuers and the Damkos...we all had such a blast! This was Kellan's first boat and lake experience and was definitely 2 thumbs up! He thought the life vest was about as good as a straight jacket but swimming made up for it.

Owen and Sammy get slathered up to go play in the sun

Our fearless Captain Scott...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

10 Months

Last Sunday, Kellan turned 10 months old...10 months old is as long as I was pregnant. It is so amazing to see how Kellan has grown and changed in the last 20 months, between the two worlds he has inhabited, one in my belly and the other out here with all of us.

Pregnant Month 1: You were the size of a poppy seed and your organs were developing.

1 Month Old: You weighed 10 pounds and lifted your head up while laying on your tummy.

Month 2: You were the size of a kidney bean with webbed fingers and toes and your brain was just forming neural pathways, breathing tubes developing between your throat and lungs.

2 Months Old: You weighed almost 13 pounds, began to smile on purpose, cooed and started to track movement.

Month 3: You were the size of a lime and developed reflexes. Your intestines were just moving into your abdominal cavity and your kidneys started to excrete urine.

3 Months Old: You rolled over on your side, started teething, could hold your head up completely and loved being read stories.

Month 4: You were the size of an avocado and your heart pumped 25 quarts of blood a day. Your eyes began to move closer to the front of your head, legs were becoming more developed, the patterning on your scalp was forming and you had toenails.

4 Months Old: You tried food for the first time. You could put a toy in your mouth by yourself and were rolling over like a pro.

Month 5: The length of a banana, at 20 weeks pregnant we were halfway there. You were practicing swallowing.

5 Months Old: You tried to sit up for the first time and would inchwork across the floor, trying to crawl.

Month 6: The length of an ear of corn, you were developing taste buds and your lungs were producing surfactant to help your air sacs inflate when you were born.

6 Months Old: You army crawled all over the house, you liked to kick a soccer ball while hanging out in your Johnny Jump Up, you cut 2 teeth, could sit up and would get up on your hands and knees and rock.

Month 7: You were the size of a Chinese cabbage, your eyes had lashes and you practiced blinking. Your brain was developing billions of neurons and you were gaining more weight.

7 Months Old: Sat up on your knees, loved bathtime and playing with anything mechanical: wheels, doors swinging, drawers...anything that had joints or rolled.

Month 8: The size of a large jicama, you were gaining a half pound a week and hair was growing...though in your case, it was only a little itty bit of hair.

8 Months Old: Stuck your tongue out and would fake laugh, trying out different laughs to find one that suited you or you would copy our laughs. You tried to feed Mommy after she fed you. You began trying to stand and played with a tooth brush like you were brushing your teeth. You stopped nursing and began taking a bottle on top of eating 3 meals a day.

9 Months: You were as big as a crenshaw melon, your head was pointing down getting ready for the day you'd be born and you started to shed the coating that had been protecting your skin for all those months in my belly.

9 Months Old: You were standing, going swimming, being chased down the hallway. You went to your first baseball game, could drink from a cup, and drummed your own music with kitchen utensils.

10 Months: You were born...