Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Highlight Reel

gift number one...

tastes really good.

wow! that's for me?

my first teddy bear

cowboy boots!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

4 days of Christmas

It has finally arrived! I have been telling Kellan that Daddy will soon be off work for a few days to celebrate his first Christmas and it starts tomorrow...we get to have him home, warm and cozy, for four whole days. Merry merry, most merry Christmas...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Tootsie Seat

Kellan has stared at his feet since birth. He has not, until now though, been able to grab them. But he stares at them every day like, "what are those things?"

We put him in a Bumbo seat to help get him upright for some Christmas photos and suddenly he realized he could reach his feet sitting this changing stuff, I tell ya.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mr. Mom

Some days, like today, I know that I DON'T know what I'm doing. I feel like Michael Keaton in Mr. Mom where he tries to take care of the house and kids while his wife goes to work, and all he does is create one disaster after another.

There are some days where I am exactly that character. Kevin will come home and ask how my day was and I'll say something like, "crazy," or "hmmm....good." And it's usually because there has been an "event"...some tornado it took me all day to ride out and I avoid bringing it up in case it hears me and wants to come back.

Example: Kellan did not poop for 3 days. That's a long time to build up the reserves. So yesterday, when he finally exploded, I was anticipating came as no shock, but it was HORRENDOUS, needless to say (but I'm saying it anyway because it was HORRENDOUS.) Up the neck, all over the clothes, me and him both had to strip down and get in the bath...Storm over. Back to play.

But today, as I'm wrapping Christmas presents and Kellan is screaming because his teeth hurt, he gets quiet. He makes his "uh-oh" face at me and then I hear it. I drop the scissors and ribbon and scoop him up, run into his room and yesterday starts to happen all over again.

Except today, I wasn't on my game. Poop got on the crib bumpers, the crib, the get my point. Kellan got his hands in it, stuck his foot in his diaper...the whole episode was atomic. To really exhibit my lack of control, and in true Mr. Mom fashion, I think it's a great idea to put the crib bumpers in the wash. But did you know that crib bumpers that are an inch-and-a-half thick and wrap the circumference of a crib do NOT fit in the machine without the machine hopping across the laundry room floor?

And now, walking back into the living room, back to my pile of Christmas projects that just make the house look like a mess, I realize that when Kevin gets home and asks me how it went, I should probably explain exactly what "crazy" means.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Kellan ate his first meal out of the same bowl his daddy had his first meal in back in 1979...and the brilliant little man--in-the-moon spoon came from his Auntie Amy and Uncle Dave for his baptism. Both made the first meal so much sweeter.

I hope you are full of food and love and sweet dreams every day, Kellan.

Tastes Like...Breast Milk?

Kellan (enjoyed) ate his first meal this morning...rice cereal with milk.
It took a little while to get him to swallow. He looked up at us like, "if it ain't broke..."
But he was a great sport and by the end was crooning to get some big-boy chow.